
river ice中文是什么意思

  • 河冰
  • 江冰



  • 例句与用法
  • The forecasting model of river ice melting day in heilongjiang
  • The river iced over during the night
  • This paper introduces the river ice study and project experience during freezing period mentioned above
  • If you like the cold , you ' ll enjoy sweden ' s ice hotel . located 200 kilometers north of the arctic circle , it ' s built from scratch from river ice every winter
  • If you like the cold , you ' ll enjoy sweden ' s ice hotel . located 200 kilometers north of the arctic circle , it ' s built from scratch from river ice every winter
  • In order to find out safe methods for water transfer during freezing period , studying the formation and development regularity of the river ice has been concerned on by many countries
  • On the base of the river ice study , the former ussr , canada , north europe take some effective measures to transfer water safely on their water transfer projects , and these countries have accumulated a few valuable experience
  • Because the complexity of ice evolvement and it was late to start studying river ice in our country , now the freeze - up forecasting precision ca n ' t satisfy the need of preventing ice flood and the freeze - up formula of every reaches is different , being not all - purpose
  • In this paper , the study status about freeze - up of domestic and overseas was discussed first , then based on thermodynamic theories and river ice hydraulic theories , using the observed data to calculate parameters , the freeze - up forecasting mathematical model in inner mongolia reach was established . in the model , the calculating method of heat exchanging coefficient was perfected properly , and the river characteristics was quantified for the first time . the forecasting result indicated that the model precision is high , and the freeze - up forecasting formula is all - purposed
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
river ice的中文翻译,river ice是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译river ice,river ice的中文意思,river ice的中文river ice in Chineseriver ice的中文river ice怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
